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R&D Center Introduction

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Shenzhou Engineering Plastics Research Center is specialized in the research of engineering plastics and is the Hebei Organic Fluorine Material and Application Industry Technology Research Institute. It is also recognized as "Hebei Province Special Engineering Plastics Processing Application Technology Innovation Center", "Hebei Province Enterprise Technology Center", "Hebei Province Fluorine Material Engineering Laboratory" and "Hebei Province Industrial Enterprise A Grade R&D Institution". It is also recognized as "A Grade R&D Institution of Hebei Industrial Enterprises", "Achievement Transformation Base" jointly built with Hebei Academy of Sciences, and "Advanced Unit of Social Practice of Tsinghua University Postgraduates".

The main duties and functions of the R&D center are: testing our products; researching and developing technologies and new products, providing support for the sustainable development of the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise; and providing shared services of large instruments and equipment to the outside world.

The R & D center has advanced and complete instruments and analytical sections, which can analyze and test various sex standards of engineering plastics. At the same time, it can do long-running and different temperature mating and abrasion tests on engineering plastic products; it can also test and analyze the microstructure of materials and products.

The R&D center insists on cooperating with higher institutes and scientific research institutes, taking the path of production, study and research, and has established a good cooperation relationship with Tsinghua University, Academy of Railway Sciences, Iron Specialized Institute, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Huadian University, Hebei University of Science and Technology and other units.

In recent years, the R&D center has achieved good performance. Authorized 5 invention patents, 1 own technology, developed a new product of modified PTFE sliding plate for bridge bearing, which fills the gap in China. The standard of JT/T901-2014 "Sliding plate of polymer material for bridge bearing" of the Ministry of Transport was drafted, which partially absorbed the requirements of European standard and reached the leading level in China, and played a role in promoting the standardization of bridge bearing sliding plate and improving the quality of products in China.







Add:No.106, Boling East Road, Economic Development Zone, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
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